[Python-Dev] Other SSL issues in the tracker have been marked

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Wed Aug 29 18:44:09 CEST 2007

Bill Janssen schrieb:
>> Well, that's just what you get with two independent implementations of
>> a spec. We don't try to hide the differences between the sockets stack
>> in Unix and Windows -- you'll just have to work around it.
> No problem.  But I think it's still a bug -- the "spec" (where is it?)
> should say what we want.  I'll file an issue on it.

I think "the spec" would be the socket API. For sockets, that is POSIX.
According to


the result is unspecified if the socket has not been bound to a local

However, Windows does not implement POSIX here; instead, it implements
WinSock, which specifies that WSAEINVAL is returned.


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