[Python-Dev] C++ for CPython 3? (Re: str.count is slow)

Ulrich Berning ulrich.berning at denviso.de
Wed Mar 1 08:49:06 CET 2006

Fredrik Lundh schrieb:

>should we perhaps switch to (careful use of) C++ in 3.0 ?
I can't see many advantages in moving to C++, but a lot of disadvantages:

- Size increase, especially when we start using templates
- Performance decrease
- Problems with name mangling together with dynamic loading and cross 
module API's
- Everything has to be build with the same compiler, binaries created 
with different compilers can't interoperate
- Possibly all extensions modules have to be (re)written in C++
- Moving to C++ will change Python's well known API substantially


IMHO, if a Python major version change implies to forget everything that 
has been established over the years, ignoring backward compaibility, 
breaking nearly every Python script, than we should definitely find 
another name for it, or I will stay with Python 2 for the rest of my life.



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