[Python-Dev] Extension to ConfigParser

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at pythonware.com
Mon Jan 30 23:50:20 CET 2006

Guido van Rossum wrote:

> Ah. This definitely isn't what ConfigParser was meant to do. I'd think
> for this you should use some kind of XML pickle though. That's
> horrible if end users must edit it, but great for saving
> near-arbitrary persistent data in a readable and occasionally editable
> (for the developer) form.

fwiw, I've *never* used INI files to store program state, and I've
never used the save support in ConfigParser.

on the other hand, earlier today, Firefox messed up my user profile,
and I'm not sure I had managed to sort that out if they hadn't used
an INI file to keep track of available profiles...

(especially not if they'd used Mork ;-)


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