[Python-Dev] The decorator(s) module

Duncan Booth duncan.booth at suttoncourtenay.org.uk
Sat Feb 11 14:29:07 CET 2006

Georg Brandl <g.brandl at gmx.net> wrote in news:dsj0p7$tk3$1 at sea.gmane.org:

> Unfortunately, a @property decorator is impossible...

It all depends what you want (and whether you want the implementation to be 
portable to other Python implementations). Here's one possible but not 
exactly portable example:

from inspect import getouterframes, currentframe
import unittest

class property(property):
    def get(cls, f):
        locals = getouterframes(currentframe())[1][0].f_locals
        prop = locals.get(f.__name__, property())
        return cls(f, prop.fset, prop.fdel, prop.__doc__)

    def set(cls, f):
        locals = getouterframes(currentframe())[1][0].f_locals
        prop = locals.get(f.__name__, property())
        return cls(prop.fget, f, prop.fdel, prop.__doc__)

    def delete(cls, f):
        locals = getouterframes(currentframe())[1][0].f_locals
        prop = locals.get(f.__name__, property())
        return cls(prop.fget, prop.fset, f, prop.__doc__)

class PropTests(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_setgetdel(self):
        class C(object):
            def __init__(self, colour):
                self._colour = colour

            def colour(self, value):
                self._colour = value

            def colour(self):
                return self._colour

            def colour(self):
                self._colour = 'none'
        inst = C('red')
        self.assertEquals(inst.colour, 'red')
        inst.colour = 'green'
        self.assertEquals(inst._colour, 'green')
        del inst.colour
        self.assertEquals(inst._colour, 'none')

if __name__=='__main__':

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