[Python-Dev] LSB: Binary compatibility

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Wed Dec 6 20:07:34 CET 2006

Greg Ewing schrieb:
> Could backwards compatibility concerns be addressed
> by including more than one version of Python in
> the LSB? Python already allows multiple versions
> to coexist, so applications targeting the LSB
> would just need to be explicit about which version
> of the interpreter to launch.

Yes. However, for that to work, the Linux distributors
would not want to maintain the old Python releases
themselves. Given the LSB release cycle, we would have
still to support Python 2.0 today if that would have
been included at the time of its release.

Of course, for those vendors, *only* security patches
matter. They can justify carrying outdated software
around for compatibility only, but they cannot justify
including it if it has known security bugs.


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