[Python-Dev] Can LOAD_GLOBAL be optimized to a simple array lookup?

Alex Martelli aleaxit at gmail.com
Thu Aug 24 00:39:43 CEST 2006

On Aug 23, 2006, at 2:22 PM, K.S.Sreeram wrote:

> Hi all,
> I noticed in Python/ceval.c that LOAD_GLOBAL uses a dictionary lookup,
> and was wondering if that can be optimized to a simple array lookup.
> If i'm right there are 3 kinds of name lookups: locals, outer
> scopes(closures), and globals. (not counting attribute lookup). Locals
> are identified by, either the presence of assignments, or their  
> presence
> in the arg list. So all name lookups can be classified into the 3  
> types
> at compile/load time.
> Since we know, at load time, which names are global.. Can't we simply
> build a global name table and replace LOAD_GLOBALs with a lookup at  
> the
> corresponding index into the global name table?

At the time the function's body gets compiled, the global (or  
builtin) it's trying to access might or might not be there -- as long  
as it gets added afterwards, before the function's body gets  
_executed_, no problem (in today's scheme).  It's not obvious to me  
how you could compile a ``corresponding index'' into the LOAD_GLOBAL  
opcode, since that index is in general unknown at compile time.

> The module's dict object will need to be special so that whenever a  
> name
> gets 'set', the global name table should get updated.

It seems that you'd need to chase down and modify all of the  
LOAD_GLOBAL opcodes too, at every such modification.   (the concept  
of modifying builtins becomes extremely scary...).  Considering the  
amortized speed of a dict lookup for an interned string (hash value  
cached and thus immediately available, equality comparison with other  
interned string a single machine-level operation), it's not clear to  
me that the huge complexity (and potential performance impact) of all  
this could ever possibly be justified.

A change in Python semantics allowing some level of "nailing down" of  
builtins (and perhaps globals too) *COULD* easily yield large  
performance benefits, but that's a subject for the Python-3000  
mailing list; as long as builtins and globals stay as fluid as today,  
I'm skeptical on the optimization opportunities here.


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