[Python-Dev] setuptools: past, present, future

Guido van Rossum guido at python.org
Sat Apr 22 12:24:48 CEST 2006

On 4/22/06, Fredrik Lundh <fredrik at pythonware.com> wrote:
> Terry Reedy wrote:
> > 1. Based on comments on c.l.py, the biggest legitimate fact-based (versus
> > personal-taste-based) knock again Python versus, in particular, Perl is the
> > lack of a CPAN-like facility.  As I remember, there have even been a few
> > people say something like "I like Python the language better that Perl, but
> > I won't switch because I love CPAN even more."
> when did anyone last say that?  I thought Perl-to-Python migration
> flame wars was a Y2K thing?

Leaving aside the Perl vs. Py thing, opinions on CPAN seem to be
diverse -- yes, I've heard people say that this is something that
Python sorely lacks; but I've also heard from more than one person
that CPAN sucks from a quality perspective. So I think we shouldn't
focus on emulating CPAN; rather, we should solve the problems we
actually have. I note that CPAN originated in an age before the web
was mature.

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)

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