[Python-Dev] Adding the 'path' module (was Re: Some RFE for review)

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Mon Jun 27 02:49:18 CEST 2005

At 08:19 PM 6/26/2005 +0100, Michael Hoffman wrote:
>On Sun, 26 Jun 2005, Phillip J. Eby wrote:
> > * drop getcwd(); it makes no sense on a path instance
>Personally I use path.getcwd() as a class method all the time. It
>makes as much sense as fromkeys() does on a dict instance, which is
>technically possible but non-sensical.

It's also duplication with os.path; I'm -1 on creating a new staticmethod 
for it.

>Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
> > One more issue is open: the one of naming. As "path" is already the
> > name of a module, what would the new object be called to avoid
> > confusion? pathobj?  objpath? Path?
>I would argue for Path. It fits with the recent cases of:
>from sets import Set
>from decimal import Decimal

I like it too, as a class in the os module.

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