[Python-Dev] Is PEP 237 final -- Unifying Long Integers and Integers

Gareth McCaughan gmccaughan at synaptics-uk.com
Wed Jun 22 13:27:32 CEST 2005

> > Huh? C unsigned ints don't flag overflow either -- they perform
> > perfect arithmetic mod 2**32.

[Keith Dart:]
> I was talking about signed ints. Sorry about the confusion. Other
> scripting languages (e.g. perl) do not error on overflow.

C signed ints also don't flag overflow, nor do they -- as you
point out -- in various other languages.

> > (c) The right place to do the overflow checks is in the API wrappers,
> > not in the integer types.
> That would be the "traditional" method.
> I was trying to keep it an object-oriented API. What should "know" the 
> overflow condition is the type object itself. It raises OverFlowError any 
> time this occurs, for any operation, implicitly. I prefer to catch errors 
> earlier, rather than later.

Why "should"?

Sure, catch errors earlier. But *are* the things you'd catch
earlier by having an unsigned-32-bit-integer type actually
errors? Is it, e.g., an "error" to move the low 16 bits into
the high part by writing
    x = (y<<16) & 0xFFFF0000
instead of
    x = (y&0xFFFF) << 16
or to add 1 mod 2^32 by writing
    x = (y+1) & 0xFFFFFFFF
instead of
    if y == 0xFFFFFFFF: x = 0
    else: x = y+1
? Because it sure doesn't seem that way to me. Why is it better,
or more "object-oriented", to have the checking done by a fixed-size
integer type?

> > (b) I don't know what you call a "normal" integer any more; to me,
> > unified long/int is as normal as they come. Trust me, that's the case
> > for most users. Worrying about 32 bits becomes less and less normal.
> By "normal" integer I mean the mathematical definition.

Then you aren't (to me) making sense. You were distinguishing
this from a unified int/long. So far as I can see, a unified int/long
type *does* implement (modulo implementation limits and bugs)
the "mathematical definition". What am I missing?

>                                                         Most Python users 
> don't have to worry about 32 bits now, that is a good thing when you are 
> dealing only with Python. However, if one has to interface to other 
> systems that have definite types with limits, then one must "hack around" 
> this feature.

Why is checking the range of a parameter with a restricted range
a "hack"?

Suppose some "other system" has a function in its interface that
expects a non-zero integer argument, or one with its low bit set.
Do we need a non-zero-integer type and an odd-integer type?

>               I was just thinking how nice it would be if Python had, in 
> addition to unified ("real", "normal") integers it also had built-in
> types that could be more easily mapped to external types (the typical
> set of signed, unsigned, short, long, etc.). Yes, you can check it at
> conversion time, but that would mean extra Python bytecode. It seems you
> think this is a special case, but I think Python may be used as a "glue
> language" fairly often, and some of us would benefit from having those
> extra types as built-ins.

Well, which extra types? One for each of 8, 16, 32, 64 bit and for
each of signed, unsigned? Maybe also "non-negative signed" of each
size? That's 12 new builtin types, so perhaps you'd be proposing a
subset; what subset?

And how are they going to be used?

  - If the conversion to one of these new limited types
    occurs immediately before calling whatever function
    it is that uses it, then what you're really doing is
    a single range-check. Why disguise it as a conversion?

  - If the conversion occurs earlier, then you're restricting
    the ways in which you can calculate the parameter values
    in question. What's the extra value in that?

I expect I'm missing something important. Could you provide some
actual examples of how code using this new feature would look?


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