[Python-Dev] Linux Python linking with G++?

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Tue Jul 12 12:28:00 CEST 2005

Tim Peters <tim.peters at gmail.com> writes:

> [Michael Hudson]
>> --with-fpectl, for example.  Does anyone lurking here actually use
>> that, know what it does and require the functionality?  Inquiring
>> minds want to know.
> I know what it intends to do:


> fpectlmodule.c intends to enable the HW FPU divide-by-0, overflow,
> and invalid operation traps; if any of those traps trigger, raise
> the C-level SIGFPE signal; and convert SIGFPE to a Python-level
> FloatingPointError exception.  The comments in pyfpe.h explain this
> best.

But do you use it?  I know what it intends to do too, but I don't use
it.  The questions I asked were in the order they were for a reason.


 <cube> If you are anal, and you love to be right all the time, C++
   gives you a multitude of mostly untimportant details to fret about
   so you can feel good about yourself for getting them "right", 
   while missing the big picture entirely       -- from Twisted.Quotes

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