[Python-Dev] floatobject.c 2.136

Raymond Hettinger python at rcn.com
Mon Jul 4 19:59:49 CEST 2005

> Alas, a typical exchange. The checkins are mailed from the committer's
> Sf email address, but the mailing list has been set up to redirect all
> replies to python-dev -- if you don't catch this before sending, you
> may be embarrassed in public or confuse the addressee.
> Is this behavior of the checkins list really a good idea?

I think it should be changed.

In addition to making it a PITA to send notes to the committer, there is
another issue.  For anyone subscribing to python-dev but not the
checkins list, they see conversations started without seeing the history
of checkins that gave rise to those conversations.  Worse, the
resolution of those conversations is often another checkin (which
doesn't get cc'd to python-dev so it is not obvious when there is a
resolution).  For instance, this thread was resolved by Michael's
checkin, 2.137, but you wouldn't know that from reading python-dev.

A few years ago, the cc to python-dev was not automatic and the default
reply address was the original committer.  That worked much better.


P.S.  I still don't follow the whole yours/mine comment from Michael.
The offending code line was part of 2.136 which CVS says was checked-in
by him on 5/27/2005 and then fixed by him on 6/30/2005.

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