[Python-Dev] Terminology for PEP 343

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Sun Jul 3 14:59:50 CEST 2005

Ron Adam wrote:
> So it could be a "Resource Manager Block", which 
> uses a "__begin__" and "__end__" method, which is defined in a "Resource 
> Manger" object or a "Resource Manager Generator" object, which is called 
> by the 'with' key word.

Here's an initial crack at an equivalent of the current 'Iterator 
Types' in the library reference [1], which explains the iterator and 
iterable protocols. I'm starting to understand what prompted Raymond's 
original question, since the continued use of 'exited' sounds rather 
awkward (the correct English word is actually 'left'). On the other 
hand 'enter and exit' rolls off the tongue significantly better than 
'enter and leave' (the natural pairing for the latter is 'arrive and 

All of which just leads me to the conclusion that English is a screwy 
language, and I already knew that ;)

Anyway, I stuck with 'exit' for this - I prefer slightly awkard 
phrasing in the explanation to awkwardness in the pairing of the names.

Suite Local Resource Management

A frequent need in programming is to ensure a particular resource is 
released promptly after it is no longer needed. The tool to achieve 
this in Python is the 'with' statement. 'with' statements can be used 
to ensure a particular resource is acquired before the contained suite 
is entered, and released when the suite is exited.

The main argument to the 'with' statement must be a resource manager - 
an object which supports the resource management protocol. This 
protocol consists of two methods:

     Called without arguments before execution enters the contained 
suite. Resource managers will generally acquire the resource in this 
method, although some resource managers may accept the resource to be 
managed as an argument to the constructor or acquire it during 
     The value returned from this method is assigned to the target 
identified in the 'as' clause of the 'with' statement.

   __exit__(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback):
     Called as execution exits the contained suite. If the suite was 
exited due to an exception, the details of that exception are passed 
as arguments. Otherwise, all three arguments are set to None.
     Resource managers will generally release the resource in this method.
     If the suite was exited due to an exception, and this method 
returns without incident, then the original exception continues to 
propagate. Otherwise, the exception raised by this method will replace 
the original exception.

While the primary purpose of the resource management protocol is to 
manage simple resources such as files, locks or database connections, 
more complex uses, such as automatic exception logging or transaction 
handling, are also possible.

Some resources (e.g. thread.Lock) will support the resource management 
protocol directly, acting as their own managers.

In conjunction with the 'resource_manager' decorator, Python's 
generators provide a convenient way to implement the resource 
management protocol, and share state between the __enter__ and 
__exit__ methods. The generator must contain a single yield statement. 
The generator is executed up to that point as part of the resource 
manager's __enter__ method, and the value yielded is returned. The 
remainder of the generator is executed as part of the __exit__ method. 
Any exceptions that occur in the managed suite will be injected at the 
location of the yield statement.

For example, the following resource manager allows prompt closure of 
any resource with a 'close' method (e.g. a generator or file):

   def closing(resource):
           yield resource


[1] http://docs.python.org/lib/typeiter.html

Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

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