[Python-Dev] Re: csv module TODO list

Martin Bless m.bless at gmx.de
Mon Jan 10 23:04:25 CET 2005

On Mon, 10 Jan 2005 10:37:17 +1100, Andrew McNamara
<andrewm at object-craft.com.au> wrote:

>>csv.join(aList, e[, dialect='excel'[, fmtparam]]) -> str object

Oops, should have been

csv.join(aList [, dialect='excel'[, fmtparam]]) -> str object

>Yes, it's feasible,


>although newlines can be embedded in within fields
>of a CSV record, hence the use of the iterator, rather than working with

In my use cases newlines usually don't come into play. It would be ok
for me if they were treated as any other char.

> In your example above, if the parser gets to the end of the
>string and finds it's still within a field, I'd propose just raising
>an exception.

Yes, that seems to be "the right answer".

>No promises, however - I only have a finite ammount of time to work on
>this at the moment.


To my feeling these  "intelligent split and join" functions most
naturally should actually be string methods. I can see that -
considering the conceivable variety of dialects - this can't be done.
One more reason to have 'split' and 'join' available from the csv

mb - Martin

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