[Python-Dev] Paid Research Project on Stackless 3.1

Christian Tismer tismer at stackless.com
Wed Oct 20 19:51:31 CEST 2004

Dear community,

I would love to publish Stackless 3.1, of course.
Also I know that there is some inherent bug in it.

I'm seeking a person who would take the job to
find the buglet. He would need to debug and
nail down a commercial application, which I cannot
make public. (S)He would need to sign an NDA with me.

The success payment would be $500. If the problem
shows up to be very hard (to some undefined definition
of very hard, to be negotiated), it can be increased
to $1000.

If my app works afterwards, Stackless 3.1 is just fine.
If it doesn't work, no payment happens.
The identified problem needs to be documented by a
reprodicuble test case.

If somebody is interested, please contact me privately.
And be aware, this is really no easy stuff. You need to
be a real hardcore system hacker with many years of

Here is the CVS path to the dev trunk:
CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous at stackless.com:/home/cvs
cvs co slpdev/src/2.3/dev

The cheapest complete solution wins. Hurry up :-)

Sincerely -- chris
Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at stackless.com>
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