[Python-Dev] Bug Day in review

Irmen de Jong irmen at xs4all.nl
Mon Nov 8 22:25:54 CET 2004

Johannes Gijsbers wrote:
> Well, Python Bug Day 4 was held yesterday. 12 patches and 10 bugs were
> closed. Also, there are some bugs that are almost closable on
> http://python.org/moin/PythonBugDayStatus. These need to be reviewed by
> a committer.

I was one of the participants, and I have to say that it was rather
fun to do and contribute some patches/bug comments.
And thanks to Johannes ofcourse for answering all my silly questions.

[ some words about myself: I've ported Python to AmigaDOS waaay back
in the python 1.5 days and so was quite familiar with the code at
that time. But years have passed since then and I've not looked at
the Python code anymore (besides the stdlib), instead I used Python
to create Pyro and more recently, Snakelets. While not being a
'python developer', it was nice to dig around in the Python source
code again on the bug day. New and yet familiar :-) ]

I've only subscribed to python-dev yesterday, and will mainly be
just lurking around to see what's going on.
(The bug-day has sparked my interest so to speak)

> * Most people just don't know where to start with fixing the bugs. We
>   had a list of 'easy-to-fix' bugs on the second bug day, and it worked
>   out pretty well. We should probably prepare one for the next one as
>   well.

That would be very nice indeed, I had some trouble finding things
that 1) I have some real knowledge of and 2) were 'easy-to-fix',
like you're saying. So the 'easy-to-fix' flag for bugs could
help a lot here, to make it easier for newbies like me to find
stuff that we can perhaps fix (or help to fix) during a bug day.
It's also easier for the organizers to find things to
stick on the work list, I guess.

One of the things that still puzzles me, is what you should do
with old bugs that are in groups 'Python 2.1 ... 2.3', but I saw
that there's already a discussion going on about this on this list :)


--Irmen de Jong

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