[Python-Dev] PEP 318: Decorators last before colon

Josiah Carlson jcarlson at uci.edu
Tue Mar 30 12:50:47 EST 2004

>     using:
>         classmethod
>     def func(arg1, arg2):
>         pass

The one major problem that i can see with this kind of syntax is that it
is a /special case/ when standard Python block structure does not apply.

At least when using 'with' (which I'm not particularly fond of), block
structure applies, and makes a moderate amount of sense in Python.  The
above 'using' keyword and organization lacks any sort of Pythonic flavor

If we were to stick with standard Python block structure, the 'using'
syntax should really be...

    def funct(arg1, arg2):

I think this syntax makes more conceptual sense, sticks with standard
Python block structure, etc.  However, I think that what Ka-Ping has
listed as case 'c' makes measureably more sense than any nested or
non-nested block structure for decorators.

 - Josiah

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