[Python-Dev] (old) module names

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Fri Mar 19 10:30:26 EST 2004

On Fri, 2004-03-19 at 10:21, Jewett, Jim J wrote:

> Would it be OK to move the existing modules if a forward was used,
> or would it still be bad because it would encourage writing new
> code that couldn't run under older python versions?

There's been talk for years about reorganizing the standard library,
with an eye toward ensuring backward compatibility.  I don't think any
of that has ever even gotten to the PEP stage, which would surely be
required.  Too bad there's no opportunity like an upcoming sprint or
something that could address this... oh wait. :)

Actually, I would guess that much of the standard library reorg would
really dovetail with an update of many of the existing modules.  Think
email-sig and the email package, and hopefully what the web-sig is
working on.  If those sigs take smaller bites out of the standard lib
reorg, then over time, we'll migrate the useful parts of the library to
the new naming conventions and utilize other PEPs for deprecating and
removing the old stuff eventually.


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