[Python-Dev] VC 7.1 maintenance?

Christian Tismer tismer at stackless.com
Tue Jun 22 05:49:11 EDT 2004

[for unknown reasons, this message didn't make it to the list]

Guido van Rossum wrote:
>>>Another question about the VS7.1 project files: these are XML text,
>>>but they seem to be checked in as binary, therefore CVS won't even
>>>attempt merges.  Is there a reason they can't be marked as text?
>>>Surely the old VC 6.0 reason for this is no longer valid now it's XML?
>>Yes it is: MSVC only accepts them if they have \r\n line separators.
> Are you sure?  I just tried changing the line endings of a few .vcproj
> files to \n only, and MSVC (7.1) worked just fine.  The story about it
> only accepting \r\n was true with VC 6.0, but I don't believe it for 7.1.

By the way, I only have MSVC 7.0, and it didn't understand the
solution and project files.
By editing the version text from "7.10" to "7.0" for project
files and from "8.0" to "7.0" for .sln files, everything
worked fine for me.
No idea what has changed, but at least it works for Python.

cheers - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at stackless.com>
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