[Python-Dev] Re: PEP 326: A Case for All

John Hazen john at hazen.net
Sun Jan 4 22:14:47 EST 2004

* Josiah Carlson <jcarlson at uci.edu> [2004-01-04 16:28]:
> I should have probably made it more explicit.  The most visible change
> when using All, in cases where a logical infinity was needed, is the
> removal of some "or (cur is None)" blobs.  The next most visible
> change is the increase in understandability of some algorithms who
> require an infinity initialization.

Hi Josiah-

Others have commented on the suitability of your name "All".  I wanted
to point out that in the paragraph above, you resort to calling it
"infinity" when talking about it.  I think this is telling as to the
readability of the name "All".  If it doesn't make sense to use the name
in discussion, what makes you think it will make sense in a program?

Since we're really talking about "infinity" here (its only use is in
comparison), why not just call it that?  I've heard you make two points
for the name "All" -- that it's easier to type than "Infinity", and that
it's (in some way) analagous to "None".  To me, one of the strengths of
python is its emphasis on readability, even (sometimes) at the expense
of ease of typing.  Also, "All" only has an analogue to one of the uses
of None (which, as others have mentioned, is not the primary use).

So, to get around the resistance to this because of the name (Guido
begged for a better name than "Some", but I think "All" is just as bad),
why not just change it to "Infinity"?

If the asymmetry of None and Infinity bothers you, I would suggest also
proposing a NegativeInfinity, and we could consider eventually
deprecating comparisons on None.


P.S. - Hello, py-dev'ers.  This is my first post, but I've been lurking
for quite a while.  Thank you all for creating a great language!  I'll
introduce myself more completely within a few weeks, when I find a way
to begin contributing.

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