[Python-Dev] Idea for a fast calling convention

Christian Tismer tismer at stackless.com
Sat Feb 28 13:12:54 EST 2004

Michael Hudson wrote:


> Well, this is psyco-style code explosion by hand :-) Doesn't sound
> like fun.

Well, why not write a little script that generates the code,
as part of the build process? And maybe making it an option,
for those who fear code bloat?

> Incidentally, I think it would be goodness if PyCFunctions exposed
> more info about the arguments they take.
>>So, there's not a JIT required, but making the patch could be tedious,
>>repetitive and error prone.  Macros could possibly help a bit with the
>>repetition and tedium, although not necessarily the error-prone part.
> It probably wouldn't be seriously hard to write a program writing
> program for this.

Ah, oh I see, my message is redundant. I'd like to encourage this.

sending it anyway, it's to bad about all the fine characters -- chris

p.s.: I believe some automatic source analysis and rewrite might
pay off in other areas as well. Grepping through the sources,
there are still very many similar patterns of PyArg_ParseTupleXXX
calls, which could be replaced by less general, optimized versions.
This would even *not* cause code bloat, since all those calling
sequences would be smaller than now.
Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at stackless.com>
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