[Python-Dev] Patches: 1 for the price of 10.

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Thu Dec 23 17:48:17 CET 2004

Titus Brown <titus at caltech.edu> writes:

> -> > 1067760 -- float-->long conversion on fileobj.seek calls, rather than
> -> >        float-->int.  Permits larger floats (2.0**62) to match large
> -> >        int (2**62) arguments.  rhettinger marked as "won't fix" in
> -> >        the original bug report; this seems like a clean solution,
> -> >        tho.  Recommend apply.
> -> 
> -> Wouldn't this cause subtle errors when the float -> long conversion is
> -> no longer precise? Or is this a non issue because it could only happen
> -> when seeking on impossibly large files?
> When would the float --> long conversion not be precise?

When the float is so large that it is the closest approximation to
more than one integer? (i.e. larger than 2**53 for 754 doubles).


  #ifndef P_tmpdir
  printf( "Go buy a better computer" );
                         -- Dimitri Maziuk on writing secure code, asr

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