[Python-Dev] Python 2.4 and Zope 2.7.X

Andreas Jung lists at andreas-jung.com
Sun Dec 5 21:06:26 CET 2004

--On Sonntag, 5. Dezember 2004 10:30 Uhr -0800 Dennis Allison 
<allison at sumeru.stanford.EDU> wrote:

> A report on the zope at zope.org list suggests that Python 2.4 is not fully
> compatible with Zope 2.7.3.  Has any tested against Zope?

To which report do you refer? The only thing I mentioned is that there has 
not been
any audit for Python 2.4 + Zope 2.7 as with Python 2.3  + Zope 2.6/2.7.


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