[Python-Dev] Third Bug Day outcome

Batista, Facundo FBatista at uniFON.com.ar
Tue Aug 10 00:19:04 CEST 2004

[A.M. Kuchling]

#- Also, 9 to 5 is a good length for the bug day; by 3 or 4 PM I'm
#- starting to get frazzled, but the day is almost over so that's OK.
#- The first bug day was announced as being 12 hours long, which would
#- have ben deadly, but luckily SF CVS stopped working around 
#- 6PM on that
#- first day and saved me.

9 to 5 where?

Maybe for the next Bug Day should be two "IRC hosts", one in America and
other in Europe. so, the'll be 6 hs each (top) and the whole day will be of
12 hours.

Not-being-able-to-be-him-because-of-56.6k-modem-ly yours,

.	Facundo

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