[Python-Dev] Re: Decimal type question [Prothon]

Mark Hahn mark at prothon.org
Mon Aug 9 21:09:29 CEST 2004

On Mon, 09 Aug 2004 19:31:33 +0100, Paul Moore wrote:

> I think that having 2 different fractional types distinguished by
> something as subtle as the presence of an exponent (something no other
> language does to my knowledge) is an extremely bad idea.
> Worse still is the fact that the exponent in the e notation is a
> decimal exponent, but the type used is binary!

Good point.  Since Tim talked me into allowing the decimal type to use the
floating point form anyway, I might as well drop that idea for

I've learned what I needed here.  I've learned that the .Net decimal type
sucks and that having an "in-between" decimal type isn't necessarily a bad

We can hammer out the syntax back on the Prothon mailing list.  Of course
I'd like to encourage any and all to help me out back there.  The mailing
list has light traffic since we have no pesky users. :-)  Discussion is at: 

Thanks everyone...  Have a good day.

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