[Python-Dev] Re: Re: Call for defense of @decorators

Florian Schulze florian.proff.schulze at gmx.net
Sat Aug 7 10:42:16 CEST 2004

On Fri, 06 Aug 2004 11:39:34 -0400, Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org> wrote:

> So I spent a little time futzing with python-mode and some of my
> decorator code, to try some alternative leading characters.  Of the ones
> that cannot be used in valid Python code today (i.e. no backward
> compatibility issues), I tried ':', '/', '=', '*', and '|'.
> [snipped]
> My preference then would be to use = with | and : as alternatives, in
> that order.

Does it really need to be only one character? Would this make the parser  
to complicated? If not, I would propose '::' which stands out much more  
than ':'

What about '~'?

  ':=' - This was brought up as late binding as well:
    name := staticmethod(name)
    def name(self):
  '&' - Used for too much else IMO.

Now in context:

   def bar(low,high):

   def bar(low,high):

   def bar(low,high):

   def bar(low,high):

   def bar(low,high):

   def bar(low,high):

   def bar(low,high):

If all this is not possible, then I +1 for '|'.
   def bar(low,high):

Florian Schulze
ps: Just for reference:

   def bar(low,high):

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