[Python-Dev] Merging Python and Gtk...

Brett C. bac at OCF.Berkeley.EDU
Fri Aug 6 19:50:01 CEST 2004

Paul Sheer wrote:

> Now that Gtk is supported on Windows, X, and framebuffers,
> would it not be worthwhile to consider packaging Python and
> Gtk together?
> Python+Gtk is a killer combination, and I see the only
> argument against Python's mainstream adoption to be its lack
> of a standardized widget library as portable and eligant as
> Python itself.
> If Python and Gtk installed as one package, this requirement
> would be met. At the moment, getting Python to work with
> Gtk on an arbitrary Unix system requires compiling no less
> than 14 tar balls from source. There are also huge overlaps in
> functionality, like Python and Gtk image support (jpeg etc.)
> comments?

Isn't Gtk under the LGPL?  That pretty much kills it right there if it is.

Besides Guido has made the comment publicly (last PyCON) that if he were 
to choose a GUI toolkit to bundle with Python it would be wxPython.  So 
there is already one vote going with another toolkit.

And the 14 tarball thing ain't our fault.  =)


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