[Python-Dev] Density of pie-decorator syntax

Josh Hoyt josh at janrain.com
Fri Aug 6 18:20:20 CEST 2004

One problem I have with the pie-decorator syntax is that it is very 
typographically dense. The @ character runs in with the following 
function name. If there are multiple lines of decorators, the problem is 
worsened. For clarity, the decorators will have no whitespace lines 
between them, creating a dense block.

After experimenting, I have found that readability is increased if there 
is one space required after the @. Don't take my word for it:

Current Python 2.4a2 syntax:

@framework_stuff(lots, of, args)
class Quux(object):

    @check_args(int, str)
    def frobnicate(foo, bar):

Proposed change requiring a space:

@ framework_stuff(lots of args)
class Quux(object):

    @ check_args(int, str)
    @ counted
    @ staticmethod
    def frobnicate(foo, bar):

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