[Python-Dev] Call for defense of @decorators

Bill Janssen janssen at parc.com
Fri Aug 6 01:32:19 CEST 2004

> class ModelObject (NSObject):
> 	@objc.accessor
> 	def messageLength(self):
> 		return "XIV"
> 	@objc.signature("v@:@i")
> 	def saveSheetDidDismiss_returnCode_contextInfo_(self, sheet, 
> returnCode, contextInfo):
> 		pass

I'd prefer (and I don't remember what the issue about this was):

	def messageLength(self) as objc.accessor:
		return "XIV"

	def saveSheetDidDismiss_returnCode_contextInfo_(self, sheet, 
returnCode, contextInfo) as objc.signature("v@:@i"):


	def foo () as staticmethod:

I'm also happy with the

	def staticmethod foo():

proposal, but the point about breaking etags seems reasonable to me.
Maybe when the PEP captures the dscussion we can all read it and come
to a consensus, because we'll all understand what's wrong with the
non-pie proposals.


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