[Python-Dev] PEP 289 - Generator Expressions - Let's Move Forward

Josiah Carlson jcarlson at uci.edu
Fri Apr 30 12:55:43 EDT 2004

> Even if we switched to early binding, won't these issues still bite you 
> with mutable values?  E.g.:
>      some_dict = {'x': 1, 'y': 2}
>      iter1 = (some_dict.get(v, 3) for v in input1)
>      some_dict['z'] = 5
>      iter2 = (some_dict.get(v, 7) for v in input2)
> It seems like it would be surprising (to me, anyway) if this gave a 
> different result than:
>      some_dict = {'x': 1, 'y': 2}
>      iter1 = (some_dict.get(v, 3) for v in input1)
>      some_dict = {'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': 5}
>      iter2 = (some_dict.get(v, 7) for v in input2)

Semantically, in the first case you are modifying your dictionary, which
has consequences to anything that has a reference to the object. Mutable
modification during runtime should be something we are used to by now.

In the second case, you are rebinding the name some_dict to something
else.  Your earlier binding in the generator expression to some_dict (if
we had early-binding for generator expressions) doesn't change, so the
fact that the two iterators in the second case return different results,
to me (and others I'm sure), is expected.  Name rebinding should also be
something we are used to by now.

I think that it would be very convenient if generator expressions had
the exact same behavior as list comprehensions (people already know how
to do those). As such, early binding is essentially what list
comprehensions do, though they don't suffer from the "I modified my
dictionary before I used my generator expression" issue.  In that case,
the only way we can preserve behavior is through a copy of all the
objects that are bound in early binding, which is obviously a no-no, and
doesn't necessarily solve our problem.

I'm happy with early binding, even given the mutable object modification
issue shown above, and I think it would be relatively easy to document
with a few minor examples. What does everyone else think?

 - Josiah

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