[Python-Dev] Decimal - context manipulation

Batista, Facundo FBatista at uniFON.com.ar
Wed Apr 21 11:55:00 EDT 2004

[Paul Moore]

#- One thing I couldn't find an obvious way of doing with Decimal is to
#- obtain a copy of the current context, with a different (say)
#- precision. The Context constructor defaults from 
#- DefaultContext rather
#- than from the current context, and I can't see a way of modifying the
#- precision of a Context object (is the "prec" attribute intended to be
#- publicly writeable?) I assume that copy.copy works to copy a context,
#- although maybe an explicit copy method would be useful?

>>> from Decimal import *
>>> actual_context = getcontext()
>>> copied_context = copy.copy(actual_context)
>>> copied_context.prec = 5
>>> +Decimal('123456789')
Decimal( (0, (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), 0) )
>>> actual_context.prec = 5
>>> +Decimal('123456789')
Decimal( (0, (1, 2, 3, 4, 6), 4L) )

Note the + in front of the creation of Decimal: that implies an operation
and that's why the context get involved.

Regarding a copy() method in Context class, don't know. It's really easy to
implement, but don't know if the standard preference is to get a copy method
inside each data type (I'm confused about dictionaries having a copy method
and lists, for example, not having it).

.	Facundo

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