[Python-Dev] Decimal data type issues

Batista, Facundo FBatista at uniFON.com.ar
Tue Apr 13 16:15:51 EDT 2004

[Bob Ippolito]

#-  >>> hash(float(1.0)) == hash(1) == hash(1L)
#- True
#- Since this is already true, hash(Decimal.from_float(1.0)), 
#- hash(Decimal(1)), hash(Decimal(1L)), hash(Decimal('1.0')), 
#- hash(Decimal('1')), hash(Decimal(u'1.0')), etc. better be equal as 
#- well, whatever that takes.
#- As far as arbitrary floats hashing equally, I don't really care, but 
#- the simple ones definitely should.  Hopefully at some point, "float 
#- constants" (as in coming from source code or user input) in 
#- Python will 
#- actually be Decimal representations, so you don't lose 
#- precision until 
#- you ask for it.

I agree. The detail is that the "simple ones" means the same Decimal that
the ones constructed from ints:

>>> Decimal.from_float(1.0)
Decimal( (0, (1,), 0L) )
>>> Decimal(1)
Decimal( (0, (1,), 0) )
>>> hash(Decimal.Decimal(1))

So, you'll *always* have the same hash there. 

Regarding user input, treating them as strings,

>>> Decimal('1')
Decimal( (0, (1,), 0) )
>>> hash('1')

There, you won't have the same hash that the string. But I don't think we
need this as long as you can not compare Decimal with strings...

.	Facundo

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