[Python-Dev] buildin vs. shared modules

Moore, Paul Paul.Moore at atosorigin.com
Fri Oct 17 05:47:07 EDT 2003

From: Gregory P. Smith [mailto:greg at electricrain.com]
> I don't see any good reason to want fewer .pyd files and a
> monolithic main DLL.

Agreed. The arguments on both sides seem weak, so I'd prefer to
leave things as they are.

My own (weak) argument against a monolithic DLL is that when
packaging a standalone distribution (Installer, py2exe, cx_Freeze
or whatever) it reduces the distribution size to omit unneeded
DLLs. In particular, _tkinter, pyexpat, _bsddb and _ssl are over
100k each.

Maybe only the DLLs which are necessary for Python to start should
be built in (eg, zlib for zipfile support, _sre seems impossible to
avoid, others I don't know - _winreg?)

But as I said, I see no arguments which aren't weak, so why change?

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