[Python-Dev] Need advice, maybe support

Christian Tismer tismer@tismer.com
Tue, 20 May 2003 16:38:03 +0200

Guido van Rossum wrote:

>>>It's better to reserve bits explicitly.  Can you submit a patch to SF
>>>that makes reservations of the bits you need?  All they need is a
>>>definition of a symbol and a comment explaining what it is for;
>>>"reserved for Stackless" is fine.

>>Ok, what I'm asking for is:
>>"please reserve one bit for me in tp->flags" (31 preferred) and
>>"please reserve 8 bits for me in ml->flags" (24-31 preferred).

There is one second thought about this, but I'm not sure
whether it is allowed to do so:

Assuming that I *would* simply do add a field to PyMethodDef,
and take care that all types coming from foreign binaries
don't have that special type bit set, could I not simply create
a new method table and replace it for that external type
by just changing its method table pointer?

I think traversing method tables is always an action that
the core dll does. Or do I have to fear that an extension
does special things to method tables at runtime?

If that approach is trustworthy, I also could drop
the request for these 8 bits.

thanks - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer@tismer.com>
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