[Python-Dev] Re: [spambayes-dev] RE: RE: [Spambayes] Question (orpossibly a bug report)

Scott David Daniels Scott.Daniels@Acm.Org
Fri, 25 Jul 2003 06:17:50 -0700

I've been seeing a lot of "we'll have to use float(123)/100"
messages floating around, and I'd like to point out there is an
atof-able form for floating point numbers:
           256.7654e-7  =  2567654e-11

def safestr(floatstr):
     """Return a locale-safe version of C-locale-generated floatstr"""
	decpos = floatstr.index('.')
     except ValueError:
	return floatstr
	exppos = floatstr.lower().index('e')
     except ValueError:
	ebias = 0
	exppos = len(sv)
	ebias = int(floatstr[exppos+1:])
     return '%s%se%s' % (floatstr[:decpos], floatstr[decpos+1:exppos],
			ebias + 1 - exppos + decpos)

floating-point-need-not-use-fractional-mantissas-ly yours,
-Scott David Daniels