[Python-Dev] Itertools

Moore, Paul Paul.Moore@atosorigin.com
Thu, 30 Jan 2003 11:34:06 -0000

From: Raymond Hettinger [mailto:raymond.hettinger@verizon.net]
> The docs and examples are a good place to start.

Just looked at the documentation for now...

count: In the absence of any explicit statement, I'd expect it
to work transparently with longs, not just integers. You should
likely make this explicit.

dropwhile: the definition doesn't mention an "invert" parameter,
but the Python equivalent does (but doesn't use it). This
parameter (I assume) would merge the functionality of "dropwhile"
and "dropuntil". Maybe it would be more readable to have both
(implemented internally via a single function and a flag, probably)?

It's also probably worth pointing out that dropwhile could have a
slow startup time - imagine

    from itertools import dropwhile, count
    for n in dropwhile(lambda x: x < 2**30, count(-2**30)):
        print "Hello!"

The first iteration wouldn't happen for a long time... (This is
true of most iterator functions, it's just more surprising in this
case as all of the remaining iterations will be "fast")

ifilter: "Evaluates to True" should probably just be "is true".
The Python code accepts functions returning non-boolean values
in the natural way.

imap: The stop-on-shortest behaviour is reasonable (given the nature
of iterators), but the fact that it's different from map is
definitely a wart. That's the key reason for having zip as well as
map, isn't it? It's nearly worth a different name, but I can't think
of one :-(

izip: No real problem, other than that the subtle differences between
zip and map(None) are hard to remember. Add the subtle differences
between zip and izip, and map and imap, and it all gets rather messy.
I wish there was an easy way of unifying or differentiating these.
But I can't offer one myself :-(

starmap: Um, I see the point. Sort of. A usage example or two would
help a lot - I can't think why I'd want this. And I hate the name.
Isn't it basically iapply?

takewhile: As with dropwhile, the issue of the invert parameter (or
a function dropuntil) needs resolving.

In the examples section, reimplementation of existing tools, nth is
wrong (the definition doesn't use "s"!) Also, with the definitions
of enumerate/iteritems, my initial thought was "but the builtins will
be quicker". This makes the examples bad, as they associate the
itertools functions with the idea that they are slow. (Of course,
that isn't the point, nor is it true, but it's not a good impression
to leave the reader with).

One final point - I don't really like the i- form of the names. We
already have this style with x- forms like range/xrange, and it bugs
me because I'm not *really* comfortable with having 2 forms (it's the
usual problem of why use one rather than the other - and the name
gives no clue). The need is there with builtins, but for a module
maybe it isn't. Could we not have itertools just defining map, zip, ...
functions. Then a user can either use the qualified form, or use
import from. So you have

    import itertools
    for x in itertools.zip(a,b):
    from itertools import zip as izip
    for x in izip(a,b):

On the other hand, maybe this will also end up causing confusion...

Hope this helps,