[Python-Dev] Python 2.3a1's mandatory use of cyclic GC causes existing applications to fail

Christian Tismer tismer@tismer.com
Wed, 05 Feb 2003 19:00:50 +0100

Tim Peters wrote:
> [Christian Tismer]
>>I know of many companies (all my Stackless customers, for
>>instance), who would *never* switch to a Python version that
>>needs the GC.
> What relationship does Stackless have with user code creating cycles among
> Python objects?  I don't see any.

I didn't talk about Stackless at all :-)
But the only companies who I know directly
to completely depend on Python happen to
also use Stackless.

> One thing getting overlooked here is how many newer C-level Python objects
> register with GC, due to that so many new features end up creating reference
> cycles.  For example, create a new-style class and you've created cycles.
> If you have a customer who disables cyclic GC, they'll have to avoid other
> newer features too, or endure leaks.

Right, that's truely an issue.
I don't think they would care about class leaks,
but for frequently created objects, they would
need extra destructors.
At least CCPgames uses 2.2 already. I will ask
them if they adhered to not using GC, and how.

cheers - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer@tismer.com>
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