[Python-Dev] Enhancement suggestion for module new.py

John McLaughlin John.McLaughlin at reachin.se
Thu Aug 28 16:10:54 EDT 2003

Hi all,

I hope this is the right place to make this type of suggestion.
I put together the following two functions and have found them
very useful. I think they probably belong in the new.py module
along with instancemethod(), code() and function() that they
rely on. Any thoughts?


import new
from types import ClassType

def installmethod( function, object, name = None ):
	This function adds either a bound method to an instance or
	an unbound method to a class. If name is ommited it defaults
	to the name of the given function.
	  a = A()
	  def f( self, x, y ):
	    self.z = x + y
	  installmethod( f, A, "add" )
	  a.add( 2, 4 )
	  print a.z
	  installmethod( lambda self, i: self.l[i], a, "listIndex" )
	  print a.listIndex( 5 )
	if name == None:
		name = function.func_name
		function = renamefunction( function, name )
	if type(object) == ClassType:
		setattr( object, name,
				 new.instancemethod( function, None, object
) )
		setattr( object, name,
				 new.instancemethod( function, object,
object.__class__ ) )

def renamefunction( function, name ):
	This function returns a function identical to the given one, but
	with the given name.
	c = function.func_code
	if c.co_name != name:
		# rename the code object.
		c = new.code( c.co_argcount, c.co_nlocals, c.co_stacksize,
					  c.co_flags, c.co_code,
					  c.co_names, c.co_varnames,
					  name, c.co_firstlineno,
c.co_lnotab )
	if function.func_defaults != None:
		return new.function( c, function.func_globals, name,
function.func_defaults )
	return new.function( c, function.func_globals, name )

if __name__ == '__main__':
	# example
	class A:
		def installButton( self, name ):
			def f( self, name=name ):
				print name, 'pressed'
			installmethod( f, self, name )
	a = A()
	a.installButton( 'foo' )
	# A().foo() raises AttributeError
	def f( self, x, y ):
		self.z = x + y
	installmethod( f, A, "add" )
	a.add( 2, 4 )
	print a.z
	installmethod( lambda self, i: self.l[i], A, "listIndex" )
	a.l = list( "abc" )
	print a.listIndex( 1 )

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