[Python-Dev] Valgrind on 2.2.2

Neal Norwitz neal@metaslash.com
Thu, 17 Oct 2002 19:01:08 -0400

I ran valgrind 1.0.3 on Python 2.2.2.  Well, almost 2.2.2, it was from
12 Oct.  After 90+ minutes and over 512 MB of RAM, there are no
new/major issues to report.

The complete valgrind log (231k) can be found here: 

I've cleaned up the log (200k) to remove some of the uninteresting stuff:

There are a few small memory leaks.  I think most of the leaks are
related to threads.  The report contains memory still in use as well
as leaks.  To find memory leaks, search for ' lost ' without quotes.
It's quite possible some of the memory still in use is due to
reference leaks.

Note: one common leak is from readline.  Some of the read errors are
from GLIBC.

I had to skip test_pty, I think it caused the tests to hang.
test_commands and test_popen2 fail when running valgrind.  test_popen2
is due to valgrind output going to stdout/stderr.
