[Python-Dev] Offtopic: Microsoft Altair BASIC legend likes Python

Michael McLay mmclay@comcast.net
Fri, 04 Oct 2002 03:46:47 -0400

Some good press for Python:

Twenty six years ago the microprocessor revolution found a software catalyst - 
a tiny BASIC interpreter that ran in 4K of memory. You've probably heard of 
two of its three authors - Paul Allen and Bill Gates, who'd incorporated the 
company 'Micro-Soft' in Albuquerque the same year. The third man, Monte 
Davidoff, isn't nearly as famous. You'll search in vain for an interview on 
the web with Monte. So we figured we'd set that right. 
His other passion, he tells us, is Python.

"Hats off to them. It's an extremely well designed language. It's object 
orientated from the get-go. They've really succeeded there," he says, and 
commends it as the ideal teaching language. That used to be BASIC, of course. 
Monte was wary about drawing generalizations about the [free software] 
process, but pointed out that where one or a small number of people was in 
charge - citing Linus and the kernel, or Guido von Rossum and Python, or 
Apache - the end result was demonstrably better.