[Python-Dev] *very* revised proposal for interfaces

John Williams jrw@pobox.com
Wed, 02 Oct 2002 17:36:25 -0500

Chermside, Michael wrote:
> John, I really like your proposal!!!


> 2. You have a "magic class" __binding__....So I think this is a
 >    little weird, but I don't really object...If there's another
 >    solution, though, I'd like to hear it.

That's pretty much my feeling, too.  This is an area that could probably 
benefit from adding some language support, since I'm already pushing the 
class syntax pretty far.  The idea for the magic class names came from 
the observation that class/interface bindings really are classes in 
themselves, but there's no need to ever refer to them directly, so they 
don't need real names.

> 3. Where does the "binding" live?
>    Creating some sort of "global binding registry" is really not
>    a good idea. Global is just bad, it becomes hard to find where
>    things were set, which causes mysterious code failures, and so
>    forth. At first, that's what I thought you were doing, but a
>    closer look changed my mind.
>    It seems to me that when you create a magic "__binding__" class
>    what you are ACTUALLY doing is adding to a list of "classes
>    implementing it" which is maintained in and associated with I, 
>    the interface object. That has ABSOLUTELY NO effect on anyone
>    who is not using the interface, and it feels like the "right"
>    place to store this information. So I if I understand this
>    correctly, I like it.

Yes.  It was pointed out to me privately that you can still make a mess 
if you have multiple bindings for the same class/interface pair (perhaps 
in a large project).  My best answer to that concern so far is to say 
that (as a matter of style) bindings should always live with either the 
interface of the class they bind, and to enforce a rule that there may 
be only one explictit __binding__ per class/interface pair.

> 6. You do NOT provide a way to declare preconditions, postconditions,
>    or anything like this for the methods. In fact, there's no
>    specification other than a docstring.
>    For this I'm not sure. I like the minimalistic, simple approach
>    of just giving a docstring, but I might also like some of the
>    power of extra features. If I have to give up extra power to get
>    a simple, workable approach then I'll live with it.

I'd really like to put more extensible error checking in, since it was 
in my original wish list.  I left it out here because the proposal looks 
complete without it, and no solution I've come up with yet seems really 
satisfactory.  I would welcome suggestions on how to do this well.

As for syntax, I'm currently learning towards using magic methods named 
__pre__foo and __post__foo to check a method named foo.  I'm kind of 
uneasy about extending special treatment from specific identifiers to 
*all* identifiers with a given prefix, but I suppose there is a 
precendent in the special treatment of module-level identifiers ("_" == 
no export) and class-level identifiers ("__" == pseudo-private).  It's 
also fairly concise and expressive.

> 7. There's no way to "extend" interfaces, since inheriting from an
>    interface means something different.
 >    That's OK with me -- seems like something one would only do when
 >    in a severe meta-programming mood.

Actually you can create derived interfaces, if that's what you meant. 
If all of a class's bases are interfaces, the new class is an interface 
as well.  I've seen subclassed interfaces put to very good use in the 
C++ STL, although the interfaces are just a documentation convention 
there.  I'd be surprised if the Java standard libraries didn't contain a 
lot of dervied interfaces--I know the language allows it, even if it's 
not often used.

Thanks (to everyone) for all the commentary.  I feel like I'm making a 
lot of progress towards something that's functional and pleasant to use, 
but there are still a lot of open issues.  I'll post a minimal reference 
implementation when I get done with it and hopefully generate some more 
interest in the proposal.  I expect that when I start putting in more 
features there will be more cases where no solution is obviously the 
right one, so I'll need all the input I can get to avoid doing things in 
ways that seem backwards to 90% of my target audience.
