[Python-Dev] Re: PEP 282 comments

Gordon McMillan gmcm@hypernet.com
Fri, 22 Mar 2002 12:47:18 -0500

On 22 Mar 2002 at 12:03, Guido van Rossum wrote:

[beating up Jeremy for being, em, unusual :-)]

> Why isn't that YAGNI?  To me it feels like this is
> YAGNI for most users; we're designing a library
> module here, not a Zope component. 
> I'd be happy to find a different principle with a
> catchy name (maybe the 80% principle or KISS are
> better) but I still think your use case is pretty
> unusual.

It doesn't take something as complex as Zope to
want many of these features. I end up doing most
of them (from scratch each time, of course - getting
a round wheel out of linear code is a matter of 
successive approximation, which, fortunately,
Python makes enjoyable) in any long-running server
I write. Which is more than a few.

I suspect that the people who are going to want
it are under-represented in your sample of "users".
System / application developers rarely get involved
in language issues unless they're congenitally
obnoxious <0.9 wink>.

-- Gordon