[Python-Dev] POSIX thread code

Guido van Rossum guido@python.org
Mon, 18 Mar 2002 09:23:39 -0500

> > It's one of the few places where code can be blocked in a
> > system call (if you want to call a lock wait a system call -- it's
> > close enough for me)
> I'd be more upset about that if it weren't the *purpose* of
> lock.acquire() to block <wink>.  If a user doesn't want to block,
> they should poll, acquire-with-timeout, or fix their bad
> assumptions.

I was thinking of the situation where a user learning about threads
and locks gets in trouble in an interactive session, by typing
something that grabs a lock that won't ever be released.  Telling them
they shouldn't have done that isn't going to help them.

IMO this is the same kind of situation as comparing a recursive list
to itself: this used to crash due to a stack overflow, and we cared
enough about this "don't do that then" situation to fix it.

> > and a ^C doesn't stop it, and that can be annoying at times.
> >
> > Of course, if it's not the main thread, signals including SIGINT
> > shouldn't do anything, but that's a separate issue.
> Why should the main thread act differently?

By fiat, only the main thread in Python is supposed to get signals.

> > Breaking the main thread IMO is useful behavior for interactive
> > programs and for scripts invoked from the command line.
> Being able to interrupt any thread may be useful.  I guess I don't
> see what's especially useful about breaking the main thread.  If my
> program is hosed, I'd just as soon kill the whole thing.

Interactively, the main thread is important.

> > (In practice, this is probably only interesting for interactive
> > use -- if you hang your main thread on a deadlock, there's no way
> > to get your prompt back, and that may mean no way to figure out
> > what went wrong or save stuff you wanted to save.
> Hmm.  The "save stuff" use may be most valuable for non-interactive
> long-running jobs, assuming that it's possible to save stuff despite
> that the rest of your threads remain deadlocked (implying they're
> all holding *some* lock).  I suppose if you can guess *which* lock
> the main thread broke out of, you could at least release that one
> and hope for some progress ...

I wasn't thinking of long-running non-interactive jobs.  If you design
one of those, you should know what you are doing.  I was thinking of
the poor interactive user who hung their interpreter by accident.

> I don't know.  If the possibility were there, I expect one could,
> with care, rely on its details to build some more-or-less useful
> scheme on top of it -- at least on platforms where it worked.  It's
> really not all that attractive on its own; maybe learning how to
> build efficient interruptible locks x-platform could lead to a more
> general gimmick, though.

Yeah, unfortunately the only implementation technique I have to offer
right now is to turn all acquire calls internally into a loop around
an acquire call with a timeout in the order of 1 second, and to check
signals each time around the loop. :-(

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)