[Python-Dev] Activating pymalloc

Michael Hudson mwh@python.net
15 Mar 2002 09:44:02 +0000

Tim Peters <tim.one@comcast.net> writes:

> [Neal]
> > A lot of extensions will break.  The example code in xxmodule.c was
> > "wrong" for years.
> Ditto Zope (as Guido said), ditto Marc-Andre's extensions, ditto
> NumPy (IIRC), yadda yadda yadda.  I don't know whether MarkH has
> tried the massive Win32 extensions with pymalloc yet.

I think one of the reasons lots of modules break is that back in the
1.5.2 days, PyObject_Del didn't exist, and you were expected to use
PyMem_Del.  This now breaks.

Could be misremembering.


  The gripping hand is really that there are morons everywhere, it's
  just that the Americon morons are funnier than average.
                              -- Pim van Riezen, alt.sysadmin.recovery