[Python-Dev] Slash and burn in Tools/scripts. Objections?

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Wed, 13 Mar 2002 16:34:21 -0500

>>>>> "TM" == Trent Mick <trentm@ActiveState.com> writes:

    TM> I would like to be able to comfortably add Python's
    TM> Tools/scripts directory to my PATH because there are some
    TM> useful things in there.

I've thought about this too from time to time, but I'm wondering:
would it be better to install Tools/script some place <wink>, and put
that installed directory on the path?  It means we only need to
install the scripts that make sense to put on the path, but we have to
decide where we'd want to install it.

In fact, some Linux distros install a bunch of the Python tools (not
just from Tools/script) in /usr/bin so maybe we want to install a
bunch of the other Tools/* scripts as well?
    TM> However there is also some crap in there. Would anyone object
    TM> to my making some changes to this directory? Things I have in
    TM> mind:

+1 for adding useful module docstrings (a.k.a. usage strings),
consistent command line switches, etc.

    TM> I just want to see if this would be controversial before I
    TM> start making patches.

And I just wanted to see how far I could expand the scope of this good
idea. :)
