[Python-Dev] For review: PEP 285: Adding a bool type

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Mon, 11 Mar 2002 00:47:23 -0500

>>>>> "TP" == Tim Peters <tim.one@comcast.net> writes:

    TP> [Barry]
    >> ...  In any event, I'm sure Guido's heard all the arguments by
    >> now and has made up his mind about this particular issue.

    TP> I expect you got the order backwards there <wink>, but this
    TP> one isn't worth killing or dying for either way.


    >> For my money, True and False are just fine since they're
    >> singled objects sitting in builtins just like None and
    >> Ellipsis.

    TP> Last I looked, everything in __builtin__ was an object
    TP> ... None and Ellipsis are the only objects of their respective
    TP> types, and maybe that's what "singled" means?  If so, the same
    TP> isn't true of True and False, unless they each get their own
    TP> type too.  Trying to come up with a "compelling" justification
    TP> for the capitalization-- and either way --is doomed to sound
    TP> silly to a critical ear.


But yeah, when I design my own language it's gonna be TrUe and fAlSe,
and you can bet that they'll have floating point values, because
/everything/ in my language will have floating point values.

And it shall be called the...

truly-insane-machine-permuting-everything-that-ever-ran-slow-ly y'rs,