[Python-Dev] Please Vote -- Generator Comprehensions

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Thu, 7 Mar 2002 12:22:18 -0500

>>>>> "JH" == Jeremy Hylton <jeremy@zope.com> writes:

    JH> I'm puzzled by this vote.  I did not know that people took
    JH> random votes of Python developers in advance of a PEP.  To
    JH> paraphrase the IETF:  I don't believe in votes, just rough
    JH> consensus and running code.

It's like "Who's Line Is It Anyway?"; the points don't matter. :)

    JH> If we are going to vote, please keep in mind the intended
    JH> meaning of votes:

    | +1, I endorse
    | 0, I don't endorse
    | -1, I veto; this proposal will get in over my dead body

Actually, it's +1, +0, -0, -1, with the sign of the 0 "vote" giving
the direction of your lean on the non-endorsement.

BTW, does anybody have a reference to where this voting system
originated or where it's been spelled out elegantly?  I want to write
a short informatinal PEP on it for posterity.  I vaguely remember it
started in the Apache world and Greg Stein transported it here.
