[Python-Dev] Customization docs

David Abrahams David Abrahams" <david.abrahams@rcn.com
Sat, 1 Jun 2002 07:33:20 -0400

From: "Guido van Rossum" <guido@python.org>

> Um, in the code. :-( Using dis(), you'll find that x[1]+=3 executes
> the following:
>           6 LOAD_FAST                0 (x)
>           9 LOAD_CONST               1 (1)
>          12 DUP_TOPX                 2
>          15 BINARY_SUBSCR
>          16 LOAD_CONST               2 (3)
>          19 INPLACE_ADD
>          20 ROT_THREE
>          21 STORE_SUBSCR
> > How does Python decide that sequence elements are immutable?
> Huh?  It doesn't.  If they were mutable, had you expected something
> else?

Actually, yes. I had expcected that Python would know it didn't need to
"put the thing back in", since the thing gets modified in place. Knowing
that it doesn't work that way clears up a lot.

>     >>> x = [[1], [3], [5]]
>     >>> x[1] += [6]
>     >>> x
>     [[1], [3, 6], [5]]
>     >>>

Well of /course/ I know that's the result. The question was, how is the
result achieved?

> Basically, += on an attribute or subscripted container does the
> following:
> (1) get the thing out
> (2) apply the inplace operation to the thing
> (3) put the thing back in
> The inplace operation, of course, is a binary operator that *may*
> modify its first operand in place, but *must* return the resulting
> value; if it modified the first operand in place, it *should* return
> that operand.  If a type doesn't support an inplace operation, the
> regular binary operator is invoked instead.

That's the easy part.

> Does this help?  (The whole thing is designed to be intuitive, but
> that probably doesn't work in your case. :-)

I use this stuff from Python without thinking about it, but when it comes
to building new types, I sometimes need to have a better sense of the
underlying mechanism.


P.S. Say, you could optimize away putting the thing back at runtime if the
inplace operation returns its first argument... but you probably already
thought of that one.