[Python-Dev] Single- vs. Multi-pass iterability

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Wed, 17 Jul 2002 09:48:09 -0400

>>>>> "CC" == Clark C <cce@clarkevans.com> writes:

    CC> I don't think it is too late.  90% ++ of the python code base
    CC> out there doesn't use iterators yet... people are still
    CC> wrapping their minds around it to see how they can use it in
    CC> their applications.  If it was publicly stated that this could
    CC> be "fixed" in the next version I don't think that it would
    CC> hurt.  These things happen, and sometimes its best to "roll
    CC> back".  Programmers understand this.

And besides (to continue Clark's devils advocacy), how much of the
code out there that /does/ use iterators, calls .next() explicitly?
