[Python-Dev] PEP 246, Object Adaptation (was Re: Single- vs. Multi-pass iterability)

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Mon, 15 Jul 2002 12:09:33 -0400

>>>>> "CC" == Clark C <cce@clarkevans.com> writes:

    CC> Even if write accepts a string it may not do what you expect.
    CC> *grin*

Very true.  It's the best we can do now, but we can do better by
<surprise> being more explicit. :)

    CC> Well, with the Object Adaptation proposal you don't even need
    CC> to bless a particular compliance mechanism.  For ease of use,
    CC> the built-in may want to use a few mechanisms; but this is a
    CC> distinct difference.  What ever is chosen, I hope the core
    CC> syntax isn't mucked with!

Me too!  I need to go re-read that PEP now.