Large file system support in 2.1.2 (was Re: [Python-Dev] release for 2.1.2, plus 2.2.1...)

Barry A. Warsaw
Fri, 4 Jan 2002 18:15:38 -0500

>>>>> "MvL" == Martin v Loewis <> writes:

    MvL> I don't know how Barry found that the tests fail, but must
    MvL> likely, one of the expect calls failed, resulting in a
    MvL> TestFailed exception - which would have been clearly visible.

Okay, it's a build problem.  For whatever reason, the -D flags set in
configure weren't getting passed to gcc during the make.  If I add
that explicitly, everything works.  So Py2.1.2 is fine with Martin's
patch, which should be committed to the maint branch.

If I come up with a better recipe for posix-large-files I'll submit
it as a doc-fix.
